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The International Miniature Horse and Pony Society
DEFRA Regulations
You must get the foal microchipped and have a passport before it is 6 months old, or by November 30th of the year it’s born (whichever is later). It is an offence if you do not apply by this deadline. You also will not be able to sell your animal for human food at the end of its working life.
Click on the links below to download the relevant form. If you need any help feel free to give the office a call or email.
Passport Forms
Passport Application Form ​Passport application rules - click here
Passport Application Form for Imported Horses ​Passport application for horses that have been imported from countries without passports. A passport application must be made within 30 days of arrival in the UK.
Replacement Passport If your horse's passport has been lost or damaged please use the form below to apply for a replacement passport.
Transfer of Ownership To be completed and sent to the IMHPS office together with the passport and fees within 30 days of purchase.
Gelding Verification Form If your horse has been castrated since the passport was issued, this will need to be confirmed by a vet and requires the passport to be sent to the IMHPS office along with a completed passport update form.
Address Update Form If you move address you must update the PIO with your new address. Passport and form are to be sent to the IMHPS office.
Food Status Update Form If your horse has been signed out of the food chain (no longer eligible to be sold for meat), the registered owner is required by law to update the PIO if the status has changed since the passport was issued. The IMHPS office will require a photo of the passport page, stamped by a vet.
Microchip Update Form If your horse has been microchipped since the passport was issued, this update will need to be confirmed by a vet and requires a completed passport update form to be sent to the IMHPS office. 
Death Update Form In the sad event of the death of your horse, the passport must be returned to the IMHPS office within 30 days. Please include a cover letter detailing the date and cause of death.
Legal Responsibilities Your responsibilities as a horse/donkey owner.
Guidance Instructions Guidance on how to complete a passport application.
Breeding Forms
Stallion Licencing Form Stallions aged 3 years and over should be fully licenced.
Stallion Breeding Report A stallion breeding report is required yearly for every active stallion. Please complete the form below.
Showing Forms
Show Affilation Form Show mangers form
Overstamp If your horse is not passported with IMHPS but you would like to enter your horse into the showing register.
Elite Grading Form Grades the suitability of your horse for breeding. If your horse passes the grading, the horse is given lifetime qualification to Miniature Horse of the Year Show and into the Studbook. Once your horse is qualified you do not have to do the grading again.
Membership Forms
Other Forms
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