The International Miniature Horse and Pony Society
Show Rules & Regulations
The Miniature Horse of The Year Show is under the auspices of IMPHS and is not to be confused with the Horse of the Year Show organised by the British Show Jumping Association
To Show at MHOYS
All horses entering all classes MUST be registered or over-stamped with the International Miniature Horse & Pony Society Ltd.
All exhibitors must be members of IMHPS.
Horse Health Requirements
All horses must have documentation, endorsed by a veterinarian, of an initial series of 2 intramuscular injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza given no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart. In addition, booster injections must be recorded as having been given at least every 12 months following the 2nd shot of the initial series.
Show Rules
All Persons competing or attending any IMPHS affiliated show regardless of membership are subject to the rules of the society. The rules must be obeyed, Failure to comply with rules will result in refused entry or disqualification.
1. The governing members of the Society / Show reserve the right to refuse entry to any person without explanation
2. The Judge’s decision is final.
3. No substitutions are allowed, and no refunds will be given. Every exhibitor is responsible for completing the entry forms correctly and with integrity. Please fill in ALL sections of the entry form that are appropriate.
4. The Society, the governing members and the show committee are not responsible for any loss, injury or death to any persons/animals at any time whilst on the showground whether competing or not.
5. The show committee reserves the right to cancel, alter, amend, split or amalgamate any class at any time.
6. Any animal showing signs of disease or illness will be asked to leave the show.
7. Any exhibitors or attendants who have knowingly brought animals from stables/farms that currently have outbreaks of any contagious/infectious disease are subject to immediate disqualification and asked to leave the showground.
8. Any animals that are unruly / deemed to be unsafe will be asked to leave the showground.
9. BSI standard hats must be worn by all juniors whilst handling in the ring, mounted, or driving.
10. No lunging in the collecting rings or in the carpark areas.
11. Dogs must be always kept under control and ON A LEAD.
12. Any objections must be made in writing within 20 minutes of the class/incident finishing and handed to the secretary with a deposit of £50.
13. Please ensure you have valid and up to date Public Liability Insurance
14. Owners are responsible for all Vets, Doctors fees etc. incurred at the showground.
15. Please conduct yourselves in a courteous manner. Any abuse to any person or animal at the show will not be tolerated in any way, and the culprit will be asked to leave the showground immediately and forfeit any prizes won.
16. Any height objections can be lodged with the secretary and a deposit of £50 cash on the day, this will be returned to the complainant should the animal fail to measure the required height. The Owner of the horse to be present at time of measuring by qualified measurer.
17. Any complaints will be dealt with by the show Directors and Committee, and their decision is FINAL.